The Prayer-Bracelet team has decided to add a children’s section to our blog, we will be posting lovely religious stories for children in the coming weeks. Here is one lovely story written by Effie.
Little Max came in his grandmother’s house, all stressed up and sad. Grandma was baking a cake at the time.
“What’s the matter Max?” she asked him.
“Oh, granny, EVERYTHING is going all wrong! My friends, the school and last night mom was really mad at me for breaking the blue porcelain vase.”
“I see. Would you like a snack Max?”, she asked and of course he does.
“Here, have some butter.”
“What? No!”, said the boy.
“Would you like some raw eggs then?”
“Gross grandma!”
“How about some cocoa powder?”
“It’s bitter!!”
“I also have some flour here…and some baking soda if you want.”
“Granny, all of these are yucky!!!”
Grandma smiled, took Max in her arms, kissed him and said:
“ You are right Max. None of these tastes good by its self but if you put them altogether, in the right quantities and mix them in the right manner, you have a delicious cake! The Lord works exactly the same way. Many times we wonder why He puts obstacles in our way or why He would let us go through hard times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they will make something wonderful. All you have to do trust Him and eventually everything will work out for the best.”
Brought to you by – the Chotki Store
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