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Frankincense and Myrrh

Frankincense and Myrrh – Incense Your Home

Do something good for the whole family, incense your home with frankincense and myrrh following the instruction of the Orthodox Christian Church. Bring peace, health, and love into your home!
Charcoal and incense symbolize your love for faith and the warmth of your soul, while the scent of incense symbolizes the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Since ancient times, frankincense and myrrh combined with charcoal have been used for “censing”. It is said that Myrrh was used by Jesus Christ himself for incense.

Incense is referred to as white smoke, and it serves to cleanse your Christian home of negative energy. Its opposite black smoke refers to lighting various things for magical purposes.

Orthodox Christians believe that frankincense and myrrh cleanse everything negative, 

so it used in every church ritual, such as liturgies, and morning and evening prayers, as well as during the performance of all sacred duties, from baptism and weddings to anointing (prayers and anointing the sick with consecrated oil).

When we look at other teachings, (non-only Church ones) frankincense and myrrh are also highly regarded. These teaching also concur that it brings good health and cleanses the negativity for all the household members.

The Christian Church did not simply accept the ritual of “censing” with incense by chance or taking over some pagan ritual, but the acceptance of something that has a solid base in the Holy Scriptures. Yes, “censing” with frankincense and myrrh is mentioned in the Bible.

In the book of the prophet Malachi, it is written that in the Messianic times a pure sacrifice and a lamp will be offered to God. By “pure sacrifice” we mean the holy communion, and by lamp “censing” with the use of incense.
In the New Testament, in the Revelation of John, incense is repeatedly mentioned as a sacrifice to the true God (Rev. 5: 8; 8: 3-5), as it is in the temple of Solomon when he offered it to Yahweh (Luke 1:49).

When a priest is “censing” in the church or at the home of his parishioners, he incenses icons and other church artifacts, as well as the persons present, but in the case of a home “censing” also mentions the household members who are not present.

“Censing” can also be performed by a regular person (normally the head of the household, but it can be anybody really). This is usually practiced on feast days, or before/after prayer and major holidays. Some people do it every day, and it is neither wrong nor harmful.

Censing of your home by a Priest:
It is recommended that a home should be incensed by a priest after construction, renovation, painting, or any other major changes. You will need to prepare a candle, incense burner, frankincense or myrrh, a bowl of water, and ad some basil in the room where the Orthodox icons are.

In addition, you should also prepare a bowl with a little flour, a glass of oil, and four small candles, which will later be glued to the walls of the apartment. The priest will read the prayers and sprinkle the walls with blessed oil. During the incensing, prayers are recited for the blessing of one’s home, the health, happiness, and prosperity of the family, especially the children, for peace, love, and harmony of those who live in the house.

Censing your home by yourself:
You should put some charcoal in the incense burner and a few grains of frankincense over it. Light a match or a lighter, and hold it near to the charcoal, when it starts to burn, begin praying.

You should hold the incense burner in your right hand and while holding the burner gently make the sign of the cross with your hand/arm movements. You sense from the oldest to the youngest person, and after censing, you should place the burner on a dedicated spot in your home.

The Charcoal and frankincense symbolize the love of faith and the warmth of the “censers” soul, while the scent of incense symbolizes the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Get Frankincense and Myrhh for your home and do a cleanse!

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