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How to live by Faith

How to Live by Faith, Not Sight!

How to live by Faith and let go of Fear.

Living Life

Some people live their lives according to what they see.  They take one long look at what’s going on in their life and ultimately decide that’s how it’s going to be.  It’s easy to live by that but that’s not how God wants anyone to live their lives, no matter what circumstances they are facing. God wants you and everyone else to live life in faith that He will carry you through every storm and deliver you blessings.  But, it’s hard for people to live with faith because faith isn’t something you can see, it’s instilled in your spirit.  You have to know, to believe!

Reading God’s Word

People who find it hard to live with faith, they want some sight, some reassurance that the next step they take doesn’t take them falling into an abyss, look no further than God’s word.  If you need some sort of proof, know His word!  Everything you need to know about who God is and how He operates, nonetheless what He will do for you if you ask, is in His word.  Take your time to familiarize with it, feel the promises for your life that God will not go back on.  With taking just that step, you’ll see good things begin to happen.

Faith & Trust

To have faith means to – without a doubt – trust. Without trust, faith means nothing.  If you need some sort of proof, some sort of sight you’re not trusting blindly, ask around.  The internet is filled with testimonies of people’s walk in faith with God.  Don’t believe the internet?  Ask around!  More than not you’ll find everyday people like yourself with testimonies of their own.  The purpose of this is to give you inspiration to trust and to look forward to what rewards serving and living in faith brings.

Disown the Fear

God did not event fear and he definitely does not discuss in His word on how His believers should allow fear to dictate in how they live.  Fear is nothing more than the stronghold of the enemy and any chance he can use it, he will.  Remember when you’re feeling fear or overcome with fear, God did NOT place it there and it’s important that you address it head on.  One way to disown the fear is to not only know that God didn’t place the fear in you, but that if you’re in fear, take the first steps in fear, eventually you’ll gain faith.

Pray For Faith

If prayer isn’t a part of your everyday life, start now.  There’s no right or wrong way to pray, just open and amble communication between you and God.  If you’re struggling with living in faith and holding onto sight, ask God to help you take the necessary steps into branching out in living with faith.  Be sure to know that God doesn’t just instill it within you; he gives you trials in order to not only learn how to live in faith but to know how to grow along with living in faith.

The Leap of Faith

The leap is always the scariest but remember that if you want God to be there to help you land, have the faith that He will! Some of the best things happen to believers when they take a leap of faith even if they’re not sure where they land, but they leap believing and having faith that wherever they land, it’s exactly God wanted them to.  So, it’s never too late to start working on living in faith and experiencing the wonderful life God wants you to live.

Tip! Having trouble focussing during prayer, use a prayer necklace.

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