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armor of god

Putting the Armor of God On

The World

The world doesn’t covet with God and the world will surely do anything and everything to tear a follower of God down.  The world caters to mans fleshly desires and that alone is one of Satan’s biggest weapons.  It’s hard to stay on a straight path when there are so many crooked exits claiming to be a quicker route to the final destination.  We all know that these exits don’t ever lead to the final destination of God’s plan.  They are quick routes for set back and leading one astray from God.


No one is a stranger to temptation.  For everyone, including followers of God, there’s a weakness.  For example: Lila’s weakness is shopping.  Even though she’s in a severe amount of debt, she chooses to keep spending money.  Then there’s Tony who likes to drink and gamble.  When he mixes the two, nothing good comes of it.  Yet, he likes the high, the instant gratification.  Everyone has weakness but God doesn’t want you to act upon them.  What He wants is for followers to deny the flesh, to starve the weakness and of course it’s easier said than done but putting the armor of God on everyday will help you in tremendous ways.

Putting the Armor of God On

When reading “Putting the Armor of God On” it stirs this feeling inside of you that you’re going to war, and that’s exactly right!  You’re not only at war with the enemy; you are at war with your flesh.  It’s already hard enough when the enemy plays on your weaknesses in the first place but once you decide to cut the fleshly desires off, before all else, be armed!  Meaning, get yourself into gear and cloak yourself with the armor of God.  It doesn’t cost a penny!  All you have to do is ask for it and work at cloaking yourself with the armor of God!

How to Put On the Armor of God

It may sound intimidating but there’s no reason to feel that way.  Putting on the armor of God means to simply use the tools God has so freely offered you.  It doesn’t happen overnight like we all would prefer.  The armor slowly begins to mend itself together and the harder you work at putting the armor of God on, the stronger your armor will be.  There are several tools that God has offered that make up the armor.  You can’t be devoted to just one tool and expect to have full armor.


Yes.  Prayer is a very vital tool for the armor.  Prayer is a line of communication between you and God.  Sure, He knows everything you’re going through at the moment but it means more when you take the time and make an effort to tell him.  Prayer not only helps build a stable and sound relationship between you and God, it also strengthens your spirit.  When you have a strong spirit, it paves the way for strong armor.

Knowing the Word

A lot of people want the armor of God but they don’t want to do much, nonetheless earn it.  The very thought about spending time to read the bible – God’s word – makes a lot of people annoyed.  Some will feel that they don’t have much time but that’s not the case, it’s because they don’t want to make the time.  With knowing the word you don’t have to read a whole book in a day.  It’s more like reading one chapter a day and reflecting on it.  You can read a chapter before your day starts, at lunch or wherever you please.  What’s important is that you start familiarizing yourself with the word and believing in it.

Helping Others

Too often we only think of ourselves and how things will make us feel.  It’s how the world taught us how to think but when you begin to believe and follow God, you can no longer use the world as an excuse.  The responsibility now lies with you.  We have to change the way we think and that’s no easy task.  The easiest step in changing the way we think is to act in kindness and not doing so because we want to.  God is many things but kindness has always been a powerful trait of His and you should try to mimic that trait until it becomes second nature.  Help a neighbor with yard work.  Pick up something nice for someone at the store.  It’s little things like that that pave the way for large steps.

Combining All Three Tools

When you practice prayer, knowing the word and helping others, your armor will mend itself together and become stronger every day.  It will protect you from the war of your flesh and especially the war the enemy has been waging on you since your arrival into this world.  At times you may feel discouraged but don’t give up on the work of your armor!

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Did you know the prayer rope is considered the sword of the spirit? Read more about it on our homepage.



One comment

  1. Great post, and once I saw the title, I knew I had to share this post. The first piece in the project features Iron Man and it’s about the armor of God.

    In Christ,

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