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stop gossiping

Stop the Gossiping

Gossip: When It’s Done To You

You received news earlier in the week that your home is being foreclosed.  You worked as hard as you could, pray fervently, but this was meant to happen.  You don’t want to tell anyone just yet, but you do phone a good friend and tell them about your situation.  After all, what are friends for?  However, the next day your phone is blowing up with calls from all over wanting to know about why your home was foreclosed.  With something that you wanted to keep private for a little while longer, is now out in the open and everybody knows.

Everyone has been through this at least once, where they confided in someone they trusted; only to have their business gossiped about.  It’s not only humiliating, it’s downright hurtful. Why do people do these things? Majority of people consider gossiping part of our human nature and it is, but it’s not the nature of God.  In James 3:9-12, he talks about how people curse and slander others, while praising The Lord with the same mouth.  No one can have it both ways.  It’s the part of you that you will struggle with for as long as you will live. However, it can be tamed with much practice and yearning to delve into that deepened spiritual maturity.

People Gossip Because They Don’t Know Any Better

It’s not excuse that the people who knowingly help spread gossip don’t know any better, it’s fact.  If you were to take a handful of people who gossip on a daily basis, look at their backgrounds, you will most likely see that how they were raised and the family they were brought up in gossiped all the time. It’s like that classic saying: “Monkey see, monkey do” Sure, when someone reaches the point of knowing right from wrong and being accountable for their actions, it’s still a hard habit to break.  Some people truly deep down want to break that spiritual bondage, but don’t know how.  As well, these types of people may also have been victims in the past of gossip.

Negativity Breeds Negativity

There are the ones who enjoy spreading gossip because they’re simply negative.  They see nothing positive in their life, nonetheless anything outside of their life.  When they hear something about someone they know or is very close to them that is misfortunate, it feeds they’re negativity and that’s probably the only ounce of happiness they’ll have for that time being.  To that negative person, hearing about someone else misfortune allows them to take the focus off of how miserable their life is and focus onto somebody else’s problems.  It makes them feel better about their life.

To Feel Connected

The group of people (if there is one) that helped spread a rumor or gossip about you or anyone else you know, chances are that rumor or gossip keeps them connected.  A lot of times, group friendships like that, the only thing they really have in common is gossiping about other people.  Their friendship revolves around other people’s laundry all the time. Every phone call, every time they hang out and you get the idea. In all honesty, it’s a group of spiritually unhappy people who connect in this type of fashion.

No One Is Innocent

Like mentioned above, everyone has that nature within them that presses to gossip.  It’s a part of you that you have to learn how to tame.  If the opportunity presents itself for you to gossip, try not to.  It may be hard but try putting yourself in that person’s shoes, the one you plan on gossiping about. If that was you, wouldn’t you want to someone to show mercy on you? Of course you would!  Take the time to pray to God about gossip and ask Him to show you ways to lessen it.  Sometimes you’re going to have to be leader, the example per se, but don’t ever fret, The Lord is always with you!

Victim Of Gossip: What To Do

It’s unfortunate if you’re business is spread to everyone and anyone, however, even though this may even be harder than it sounds; shake the dust from your feet!  Yeah, it’s probably something you don’t want to read, but why be angry? What’s done is done and all you can do is move forward. And, think about this.  Someone who heard the rumor or gossip about you, it might have made them feel like they’re not the only one, giving them the sense that they’re not alone. Remember, something positive can be birthed from the ashes of something extremely negative. As well, put your trust in God, as it is written, retribution is His, not yours.

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