And its here, The Pentecost Celebration
Pentecost is a celebration that fills the week, thus is celebrated throughout the week climaxing to Saturday. The most special of the after feast days is Monday, called Whit Monday or Monday of the Holy Spirit or Third Day of the Trinity. Even though the start of the Church year is considered to start on September, the liturgical center of the annual cycle of the Orthodox worship is the feast of Pascha. Until the start of the next Great Lent, the Sundays and weeks following Pentecost are numbered from that day.
On Pentecost day the problem of various languages was solved by the unity that the acceptance of all different languages and cultures had brought. Let me make this a little more clear, by telling you something I heard years ago on a Pentecost day preach. People are unable to communicate their joy, hopes and fears to each other because we are different, we speak different languages, and we have different cultures, different backgrounds and so on. But if we think of others as our brothers and sisters, if we embrace and appreciate these differences and see how every little, different piece helps to make a beautiful puzzle…then what? Then we will be able to see the bigger picture here. This is what happened on Pentecost. Holy Spirit came upon all of these people and opened their eyes to the new truth: Jesus and the new way of life He revealed to mankind.
All faithful receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit by participating to the Holy Sacraments. Especially the Sacrament of the Chrismation gives to the baptized person the charismas of the Holy Spirit and makes them a new apostle of Christ. That is why Baptism is also called the “personal Pentecost”.
Pentecost is the final fulfillment of the Lord’s mission and the first beginning of the messianic age of the Kingdom of God, mystically presented in His Church. The number fifty, as the fiftieth day after Pascha, stands for eternal and heavenly gratification (seven times seven, plus one). Besides celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit we also celebrate the full revelation of the Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the final act of God’s self-disclosure to the world of His creation.
Happy Pentecost Celebration to you all!
Photo By Χρήστης Templar52Templar52 at el.wikipedia [Attribution], from Wikimedia Commons