The culmination of the Holy Week is Great and Holy Friday.
Basically this is the day of Christ’s funeral and entombment. In the morning service, the priest takes the Body of Christ – the Epitaphios – wraps it in a white sheet and places it inside the altar. Inside the Sepulcher is placed a painted or/and embroided cloth as a representation of Christ (Also referred to as the Holy Shroud).
On the evening service we have the Lamentations at the Tomb, the most moving and emotional hymn, if you ask me. In our church the faithful sing it, men and women separately, one verse each group. When the Lamentation is over the congregation with lighted candles follows the funeral walk, around the village or the town, stopping in every crossroad where hymns are singed. This procedure is the re-enactment of Christ’s descend into Hades.
The thing about Holy Friday that is totally beyond me is the weather. I don’t ever remember a shiny Holy Friday. I mean NEVER. Please let me know if you have noticed also, or is it just me? It will always be cloudy or rainy. Keep in mind to notice it this year!
Follow up post: Holy Saturday
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