This short story from ancient Greece – in my humble opinion – demonstrates the exact way we should be dealing with everything that reaches our ears. Very often you will hear people say something about a person or a fact; sometimes their intentions are good, sometimes…well… not so good. How can you tell what to […]
A Komboskini Bracelet Got Him Married
Married by Komboskini Bracelet, haha I have to tell you this story about the Komboskini bracelet that got a friend of mine married. For those not recognizing the word its the Greek word for Orthodox Prayer Rope. The story begins with me going out with my long time friends in Amsterdam. While having a good […]
The Girl Who Had Four Boyfriends
Once there was this girl who had four boyfriends. She loved her fourth boyfriend much more than the others and so, she dressed him with the finest pieces of clothing. She fed him the most exquisite food and every delicacy you can think of. She treated him the best way possible and pampered him in […]