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god's promises

Remember God’s Promises

As believers, very often we face great trials in life. In moments like these, we are tempted to think that God has forgotten about us. He seems to be so far away. It doesn’t matter what our problems are, whether it is a terrible illness, a big obstacle or some unsuccessful relationship. Some of us are tempted to think: “It’s no good. Probably my faith is weak. I think that faith doesn’t help me. Good bye, Lord!”

But let me assure you that very often we find refuge in our greatest troubles. On the verge of giving up, He tells us in a silent voice: “My dear child, this storm is to make you stronger. Tomorrow you will be OK. Do not worry!”

It is not necessarily a physical voice. It could be a feeling, a sense or a thought. Do you know Isaiah 49:15?

“Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.”

Remember God's promises Aren’t these strong words? Anybody would feel encouraged when reading them, because they are related to one of the great promises of God. Our Father in heaven has told us that His love for us is eternal… it is everlasting. This is the same God, who has assured us in His presence for the centuries to come. One of my favorite preachers of the Word of God, Kathryn Kuhlman, states that staying with the Lord only because of His promises is enough for a Christian. His promises are so encouraging! If you are a believer who has really put your trust in Him, you do not need to be worried. Yesterday has passed. Tomorrow has not come yet. This is also the same God who has stated that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). This is a great promise, isn’t it? It could be a sufficient reason for you to carry on walking in the right path God has put in front of you. The main thing you should consider is His Word, where He has spoken His promises. God’s promises never fail. This is a fundamental truth in any sphere of Christian life.

You are maybe thinking or saying at this moment: “Yes, I believe in Him, but I do not see his promises have fulfilled in my own life. I have seen them fulfilled in other people’s lives, but I have obviously been forgotten or maybe left at the bottom of God’s list of promises…” In such moments we are really tempted to lose faith and leave the right path behind. This would definitely be our greatest mistake. If we have chosen to follow Him, then we must continue in the path He has established before us.

God’s promises are not just an illusion for His real children. His only demand towards us is: obedience. For when we are obedient, we cause a smile on His face. We make a way for His favor to be released in our lives. There is also something more-when He has promised something, He is faithful and righteous to complete it to the full. Another reason to remember His promises is the fact that His ways are not like our ways (Isaiah 55:8). Jesus has a much more perfect plan than we can think or imagine. As He is our Leader and Protector, He never fails.

Me and my house have chosen to serve the Lord. What about you?

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