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Alone But Not Lonely | Overcome Loneliness

Today in our society, one of the images or portrayals of ultimate happiness is to be surrounded by a lot of friends and family, and more than not to be surrounded by people with no meaning. Sadly, even though it’s an inaccurate portrayal – right along with the consumption of mass amount of money – being surrounded by people all the time does not equal or lead to ultimate happiness. You can be surrounded by tons of people and still feel alone. How can that be? Well, you’re trying to fill a void that only God can fill. People all over, young and old, work endlessly to fill a certain area of their life where they feel alone, when in all actuality, they should be consulting with God! You can do anything but you cannot do everything, only God can.

Why Are We Alone At Times?

People who find themselves during a period of being alone, they may wonder more than once, why exactly are they alone.  Gwen for an example: She’s a successful college graduated with a nice job but hasn’t been able to find “the one” to pursue a steady relationship with. Then there’s Robby who everyone calls for a good time, but he doesn’t have any “real” friends, not even one. So, why are Gwen and Robby going through this trial of being alone? Even though it may seem harsh, this is a learning period, a time for growth. Being alone or going through a period of being alone isn’t a punishment from God or the universe, it’s a wake-up call to invest your attention, your energy and faith into something bigger than you are. It’s hard to feel that way when society tells you differently, that you have to be surrounded by people to be happy. You can be alone during your trial and still be happy because being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.

Gwen’s Situation

Like mentioned above, Gwen is an outstanding college graduate who has landed a successful job. It’s all her parents talk about and her friends admire Gwen for her hard work. Even though she’s successful in her career, she still longs for a companionship, a relationship that she seems to see everyone else having. She’s tried online dating and has even stooped to blind dating but none of the potentials felt right. It felt forced because she’s automatically looking for long term, which frightens potentials.

A lot of people are and have been in the same situation that Gwen is in. One thing for certain, forcing a relationship is destined for ultimate destruction. It may be hard for Gwen to see but God has different plans for her than her newly engaged best friend. He’s called her to focus heavily on her career and even though she feels alone, she should never feel lonely because while God is setting up “Mr. Right” for Gwen, she should be making due with God and trusting in him. If Gwen focus on herself and the path God has set before her, everything will fall into place.

Robby’s Situation

Robby has a lot of friends but they’re not “real” friends.  All his “friends” like Robby or tolerate him because they can use him. Robby comes from a wealthier family and usually parties or outings are at Robby’s expense. Robby is well aware of this but he doesn’t say anything because he’s afraid to be alone, even though he feels alone already. He doesn’t want to be that “loner” person with no one to hang out with on a weekend.  So, he allows these so called “friends” into his life and he continues to buy their friendship, even though deep down, it bothers him.

Robby isn’t necessarily afraid to be alone, he’s afraid to be with himself. After all, he’s this person who buys others friendships, so does he know who he really is? Of course not! Even though he feels alone, he would rather suffer through fake friends than have none at all. What he fails to realize is that God is his friend. If Robby spent ten minutes every day talking to God about his “friends”, Robby would begin to see the improvement God can do in his life.

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