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opposite beliefs

Couples With Opposite Beliefs: Can It Work?

Sticking To Your Roots

A lot of people think that being with someone they love; they have to share the same beliefs.  Some people believe that God doesn’t want couples with polar opposite beliefs to be together.  However, that’s not true!  God has people fall in love with one another all the time and they don’t share the same beliefs at all because no matter what people may think about it – God has a plan! It’s not necessarily having one change their beliefs, but simply because God knows the couple can learn from one another.  Nonetheless, no one knows God’s will and plan for others, besides God Himself.

Can It Work?

Anything can work with the blessing from God and that two people are willing to work with one another.  Sure, being in a relationship with someone who has the same beliefs creates less friction, but without God’s blessing and two people willing to work with one another, sharing the same beliefs means absolutely nothing.  Being in a relationship with someone with opposite beliefs can have a few bumps here and there but it’s nothing that cannot be overcome with much willpower from two people.

How Does It Work?

Most likely you’ve come across a couple with polar opposite beliefs that you couldn’t understand how they make it work and be happy.  For each couple, how it works is different but the common rule is respect.  It not only can make a relationship go far, it shows how much you truly care for your loved one.  Respect can be used in many situations in a relationship, but for right now, it’s respecting your partner’s beliefs.  Respecting your partner’s beliefs means allowing them to believe whatever they choose to and to not force them to change.

Taking the Time to Understand

Even though you may not share the same beliefs with your partner, it doesn’t mean you have to ignore that part of your partner’s life.  All it takes is a little time to understand why they belief what they belief.  It not only shows your partner that you care, it also helps you learn and grow as a person. Take the time every now and then to be interested in your partner’s beliefs, even if you may not be – learn to be.  Perhaps your partner enjoys attending church or some other religious activity, possibly once every other week or once a month you could attend with your partner.


Your partner may prefer not to discuss religious beliefs or beliefs in general and you should respect that.  If or when it does bother you, communicate in a mature manner, expressing why.  For some couples, this boundary doesn’t bother them much – if any.  However, it may not bother you in the beginning but possibly during some point in your relationship, it may.  If that so happens to arise, like mentioned above, communicate.  Your partner may feel the need to switch up the boundaries or rid of them all together.

Always Keep God in the Loop

Just because your partner doesn’t believe in God or has a different religion, never cease inviting God into your relationship.  Keep praying for your partner, for yourself and most importantly for your relationship.  God will continue to do good things for you and your relationship if you have faith in Him.  Sometimes all it takes in a relationship is one person to hold down the foundation, the invitation for God in a relationship.  It’s not because one has to, but God has faith in them to do so.  Remember, it’s possible with the blessing from God and two people willing to work with one another to make it work.

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